Mothers & Families
Perinatal psychiatric disorders include all mental health conditions during pregnancy and up to one year after delivery. Depression and anxiety are the most common complication of childbirth! About 1 out of every 7 women will experience a perinatal mental health condition.
Pregnancy and having a baby will affect a patient’s mood and feelings naturally; most will feel more tired, moody and irritable. If these feelings start to interfere with your everyday activities or last for more than a couple of weeks, talk to your doctor.
Having a baby is an emotional time in a person’s life. Don’t be afraid to talk to your doctor about how you are feeling with pregnancy and with new baby at home. The Periscope Project is a resource for your doctor.

Types of Perinatal Behavioral Health Conditions
What are baby blues?
A common, temporary phenomenon with prominent mood swings in the immediate postpartum period. About 80% of women experience baby blues – it is normal!
The baby blues typically come in the first week following delivery and last no more than two weeks.
Signs of baby blues may include tearfulness, excessive worrying, mood swings, irritability, difficulty sleeping or changes in appetite.
Typically, baby blues will resolve naturally. If you are experiencing these types of symptoms, consider a new parent support groups, ask for help and remember to take care of yourself and as well as your baby.
What is perinatal depression?
An episode of major depression occurring during pregnancy and/or up to one year postpartum.
Perinatal depression is common, affecting about 1 out of 7 women. If untreated, it could persist until properly treated.
Symptoms may include depressed mood, loss of interests in most or all activities, changes in sleep habits, excessive guilt or worry, impaired concentration, recurrent thoughts of death or suicidal ideation. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, talk to your doctor and seek treatment. In addition to talking to your doctor, considering a new parent support group, talk to your friends and family, ask for help and remember to take care of yourself.
If you are having suicidal thoughts, call the national suicide hotline, anytime of the day 1-800-273-8255.
What is perinatal anxiety?
Perinatal anxiety is a spectrum of several types of anxiety disorder that occur during pregnancy and up to one year postpartum.
It is estimated that 8.5-13% of women will experience an anxiety spectrum disorder during the postpartum period.
Symptoms may include persistent and excessive worrying, inability to relax and/or physiological symptoms like chest pain, dizziness or inability to catch breath. If you are feeling anxious, talk to your doctor about how you are feeling. They might recommend therapy, medicine and/or support groups. As with all perinatal behavioral health conditions, make sure to take care of yourself and ask for help when needed.

The bonding process between baby and care giver is the same regardless of mental health diagnosis. There’s no reason to feel guilty if you do not feel an immediate bond with your newborn. For some parents, it takes time and effort to build an emotional connection. Download the Bonding with Baby handout for suggestions on ways to help build that relationship.
Check out these three handouts from Maternal Health Matters for moms and families
Action Plan for depression and Anxiety Around Pregnancy
Talk about Depression and Anxiety During Pregnancy and After Birth
What if the happiest time of your life doesn’t feel so happy?
The Periscope Project is a program of the Medical College of Wisconsin – Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine.