How it Works
For Health Care Professionals: 877-296-9049
The Periscope Project is a free resource for health care professionals treating pregnant and postpartum women in Wisconsin. The Periscope Project has three major components, all created to build capacity to treat the mental health needs of perinatal patients.
The teleconsultation component is only offered to health care providers and professionals caring for patients in Wisconsin. They are not available to patients.
Monday – Friday, excluding holidays, 8am to 4pm CST to eligible providers.
How it Works:
Phone calls are answered by the Coordinator to obtain information about the nature of the call and verify basic provider information. If the provider needs to speak with the Perinatal Psychiatrist, they will receive a call back within 30 minutes of the initial call during Periscope hours of operation. Emails are returned by the Perinatal Psychiatrists within one business day.
The Periscope Project psychiatrists will support health care providers in managing the mental health care of their patients by assisting him/her in addressing their patient’s mental health concerns and providing general education on the topic of pregnancy and postpartum mental health. The Periscope Project does not provide direct treatment to patients. The intention is for the patient to remain in the care of their current provider. In some cases, the Periscope Project psychiatrist may recommend further evaluation by a general or sub-specialty psychiatrist. In those circumstances, referral recommendations will be made.
Topics for teleconsultation may include; diagnostic support, treatment planning, and medication use in the perinatal period. Questions may be general or specific.
Consultations are provided within the scope of the callers practice. The psychiatrist will discuss medications only with those providers with prescribing rights i.e. physicians and mid-level providers. Non-medical professionals, like home visitors, or ancillary support can call the provider line to receive education or access community resource information. The Periscope Project psychiatrists will not prescribe medications, diagnose, or provide direct treatment to patients.
The Coordinator works with providers to assist them in identifying ongoing mental health and substance abuse support options. Resource information includes; peer support groups, psychotherapy services, mental health treatment (including prescribers comfortable in the management of pregnant and postpartum women), substance use treatment, and perinatal loss support.
To access this information, health care providers will call the provider line or email The Periscope Project. The Coordinator will send options for resources to the provider.
The Periscope Project aims to educate providers through our online toolkit, discussions and, video-based modules. The Provider Toolkit is available for download. This resource is intended for health care providers. It contains evidence based research and screening tools as well as treatment algorithms.

Available Monday – Friday from 8am – 4pm CST, excluding holidays.
Provider to provider perinatal psychiatric tele-consultations within 30 minutes.
E-mails returned within one business day.
The Periscope Project is a program of the Medical College of Wisconsin – Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine.