
Your generous contribution to The Periscope Project will enable us to continue providing high quality perinatal psychiatric teleconsultation services. Your contribution will have a direct, positive impact on the work we do to support all health care providers caring for perinatal women struggling with mental health conditions and ultimately on the lives of their patients.
Your donation is fully tax-deductible as a charitable contribution, as allowed by law. Thank you for your commitment to improve perinatal mental health care and your investment in The Periscope Project.
If you would like to make a gift online using a credit card, please visit the MCW secure site Make a Gift. Select ‘other’ for gift donation and write in ‘Periscope Project’ to indicate you would like your gift directed to the Periscope Project.
Other Ways to Donate
If would like to make a cash or check contribution, please make your check payable to the Medical College of Wisconsin; be sure to indicate that you would like your gift directed to the Periscope Project. If you would like your contribution in honor or memory of another, please provide the name and contact address of the appropriate party so we inform them of your generosity. Please send your gift to the address listed below:
Meg M. Bilicki
Office of Development – Periscope Project
Medical College of Wisconsin
8701 Watertown Plank Rd.
Milwaukee, WI 53226
Select ‘other’ for gift donation and write in ‘Periscope Project’ to indicate you would like your gift directed to the Periscope Project.

Available Monday – Friday from 8am – 4pm CST, excluding holidays.
Provider to provider perinatal psychiatric tele-consultations within 30 minutes.
E-mails returned within one business day.
The Periscope Project is a project is a program of the Medical College of Wisconsin – Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine.