
About the Periscope Project

For Health Care Professionals: 877-296-9049

The Periscope Project was created to fill the critical gap between statewide perinatal depression screening initiatives and lack of perinatal psychiatric treatment services in Wisconsin. Health care providers often discontinue or delay initiation of antidepressant medication when pregnancy or breastfeeding is identified due to fears about medication safety. By offering resources to assist health care providers in treating their pregnant and postpartum patients, The Periscope Project reduces health disparities and increases healthy birth outcomes.

Our vision is for all providers caring for perinatal patients in Wisconsin to have access to specialty perinatal psychiatric and substance use consultations.

Becky Schroeder, MS is the co-founder of Moms Mental Health Initiative. Becky shared her personal story during The Periscope Project’s launch event in February 2017.

The Periscope Project Brochure

Download a copy of the tri-fold brochure or contact us for copies.

Available Monday – Friday from 8am – 4pm CST, excluding holidays.
Provider to provider perinatal psychiatric tele-consultations within 30 minutes.
E-mails returned within one business day.

The Periscope Project is a program of the Medical College of Wisconsin – Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine.